It was summer 1957, me and my mate Terry Savin, had wandered away from our homes in Spring Grove and headed for the jumble sales at the Mission hall down the end of Well Lane; Along our travels we had found a shiny sixpence on the floor in Derby Park. Now we had a choice: bags of penny mix or wait until the arrival of Mr. Whippy and get some ice creams because it was so hot; but we decided to be mercenary and buy stuff from the jumble sale and sell it for pound notes. On our way to the hall, we had to pass Williams Toffee Works, so we decided to sit on the grass by Well Lane Gardens and smell the lovely aromas. After a while the shouts came from the people who lived there, "hey you two, bugger off and play down your own end", off we raced and made our way to the Mission hall. Two hours later after much searching, we had made our purchases and our way home with 50 old and greasy kipper ties in an old brown paper bag. When we told our parents about our grand ideas, the laughter and the yelling were the talk of the streets for days, we never did sell those kipper ties and we never became Del Boys haha.
-Padraig Aiden Kennedy