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Scouse: Food in conversation


Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Robbert ‘Odie’ Carmichael ‘You’d come home and there’d be a Big pan of Scouse an think aw fuckin great get in there, especially in the winter when it was cold. I think each family has their own little tweak on the recipe. It’s basically the same but people add little bits here and little bits there’

Marie McFarlane ‘Just never blind scouse dad aye’

Robbert ‘Odie’ Carmichael 'I always find scouse, it always tastes better the next day. Yeah, leave it in the pan and either warm it up or fry it. Make a scouse pie... make a cow pie'

Marie McFarlane ‘Use to have weird things didn’t ya dad'

Robbert ‘Odie’ Carmichael ‘Tripe, lard butties. I've still got a block of lard in the fridge, fry my eggs in it, its not a fried egg unless you fry it in lard. Oh god i'd eat anything when I was younger! I'd eat a scabby dog. I used to try anything: tripe, pigs feet fuwaa pigs foot from the chippy. There used to be a chippy down Reck Road, used to do everything. Tripe, pigs feet, fish and chips the lot you. Could get anything there, you’d go in there, get a pigs foot, loads of salt and vinegar on it and aww lovely. We came out the ale house on night and my mate walked into the chippy and bought a pound of tripe and he was walking down the road eating it out the paper'

Marie McFarlane ‘But you used to eat offel didn’t ya’

Robbert ‘Odie’ Carmichael ‘Cods row – it's like cod eggs me mar used to love 'em.

Used to be able to buy it in a tin, slice it thin, give it a quick fry, it was lovely, salt and vinegar on it. There's lots of stuff that, like, you can't buy anymore, and even if you could, people would go ew i'm not eatin that like, or ox tails! Make a pan of scouse get some ox tails, chop em up, throw em in ya scouse. Dead juicy an full of flavour'

Emily McFarlane 'I'd like to try tripe and stuff like that but I don't think I'd like it'

Robbert ‘Odie’ Carmichael ‘An I love fish i've had virtually every kind of fish you can think of one time or another. Lambs hearts – I used to like them but ya mar used to go over board with them and you’d get to a point where you’d go fuckin hearts again ugh. And she done it with liver didn’t she, liver an bacon like aw fuckin hell i'll eat the bacon but fuck the liver off. Everybody had a tissue down here and they'd like *spitting noise*. Although back then it was like cheap meals like ya know havin liver an all that. The likes of scouse I can eat that all week long. Always tastes better the next day same when you make a big pan of pea wack soup'

Marie McFarlane ‘I can't make it like my mum used to make it and i'm sorry now that I never watched her do it properly. Best made if you can get ahold of a ham shank or ham joint'

Robbert ‘Odie’ Carmichael 'Ya mar used to go widdy market and she'd come back with a ham shank – only about dat big - put that in ya pan, boil it up till it was cooked, take that out, let it drain, keep the water, wack all ya veg in an ya peas, all ya lentils and let that simmer away for a couple hours and it’d go like… you could cut it with a knife the next day. Ya nanny used to make, she had this big fuckin plate didn’t she, she'd make this fuckin big one. An it’d last about five minuets, everyone’d come in an slice. Our shaun used to come home form the ale house:

'Any of that pie left'?


'Aw fuckin hell!'

Of the things that didn’t last in this house, that, an her cheese scones I can guarantee in like five minuets. Don’t over work ya pastry ya mar always used to make when she erm made jam tarts and stuff like that.



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